SMARTOUR - Piattaforma integrata di servizi innovativi per la gestione dinamica, interattiva, sicura ed inclusiva dell’esperienza turistica nelle città d’arte e cultura

  • Duration: May 2014 – April 2017
  • Funding Programme / Grant: MIUR: “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation”
  • Project Total Cost:  12.591 000 €
  • POLITO Budget: 572.000 €
  • S3+Lab Budget: 96.000 €
  • Abstract:
    • The SMARTOUR project aims to significantly improve the visitor experience of art and culture through the development of technology and services in order to enhance and to protect historical, tourist and environmental areas. The project, through a series of innovative coordinated researches will reach two distinct objectives:
      • a)  the improvement of the cultural heritage (hereinafter BB. CC.) and the social infrastructure through the generation, the exchange, the promotion and the distribution of both historical, cultural and available information for the visitor, and
      • b)  the safety of the BB. CC. and social infrastructure in order to reduce the perception of insecurity.
    • In SMARTOUR project an integrated platform will developed. This platform will be able to provide to the tourists, in an integrated and modular way, innovative services to deliver both dynamic, interactive and safe management for the tourist experience. The main reference field is the:
      • CULTURAL HERITAGE, to promote the development of new technological solutions for the diagnosis, preservation, digitization, the use of cultural material and / or immaterial, in order to enhance its impact in environmental, tourism and cultural ways and to promote the integration of innovative public and private services, linked to the attractiveness of the territories.
    • Secondarily, this project address also issues related to other research areas, such as:
      • SAFETY OF ENVIRONMENT, to support the development of new knowledge, innovative technologies and new integrated systems for risk prevention and the protection of the territory;
      • CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART GOVERNMENT, to promote the development of innovative public services, particularly with regard to the E-government
    • The main topics developed at the PoliTO (using S3+Lab equipment) will be:
      • the integration of GNSS/IMU/digital cameras/LIDAR/ sensors and positioning methods for precise navigation for direct georeferencing of images
      • the development of new procedures for early warning and for creation of speditive mapping according to the international recognized standards
      • realization of final products (solid-image, solid-orthophoto, solid-video) with the implementation of demonstrators.

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